Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Coming Home !!!

Almost time to go home.

I have taken the last two days off from exercise as I have been pretty busy with loads of paperwork etc to leave. I should have went for a run today but just didn’t feel like it.

I will be doing some sports activities on the way back. A little snorkelling, mtn biking and general tourist crap.

Anyway I am hoping that once I am back I can continue to train with consistency and flexibility while maintaining a decent diet. I also want to do this while having a little more time for playing games with the kids and maybe getting them into tris or running or something physical instead of video games. Anyone have any ideas??

Anyhow be home soon and racing soon after that.

1 comment:

KovasP said...

Brian, welcome home! Just stumbled across your blog. Thanks for fighting the good fight and now back to training you go.