Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sprint Is out in September 07 - Iornman Muskoka 70.3 September 08 IS in!!!

Well I am still behind in some training basics and am having bouts with sciatica, sometimes quite severe, but I ma now with an ART(active release technique) doc and have now deceided to focus my attention to the Ironman Muskoka 70.3 next September 14th.

This will be my A race next season and I will plan on also doing at least 2 sprints and an olympic in July at some.

The race in Muskoka looks pretty good with an overall loss in elevation on what looks to be a very challenging course. They are actually paving new roads just for the race, which is super cool.

I think if I ease my training and try not to increase my weekly volume by too much I should be able to get a personal best at the race barring any further injuries or deployments to Afghanistan.

This blog will act as my training blog for the Muskoka race.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Still Chugging Along

Even with a trip to the drinking land of Hamilton Ontario, I was still able to keep chugging along with runs.

Anyways I am up to 7 runs in August so not too bad... and thats with one night of drinkning thrown in there.

I have a good little running route from my office along the Ottawa River and do about 5.5k almost every day.

Life is good, albeit still a bit tender in the back and legs.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Going Pretty Well

I am now fixated on "competing" again. I think I should be ready for the Canadian Sprint in Ottawa.

I am running and biking as often as I can without pain. Swimming, well I have only been out once in the last long time, but I have never worried about it anyway.

I am doing consistent 5-7km runs and 15-25km bikes to attempt to get into some sort of shape, other than a pear. I am also currently committed to one of Devashish Paul's 'challenges, a 31 in 31. That's run 31 minutes everyday for the month of August. There are certain "awards" (no one really gets anything except motivated) for how much you actually do (platinum, gold etc etc).

Well thats how things are going as of now. Check back for updates.