Well I have decided to stop posting on the milesnmiscues page and start a new one with all I would like to say about training and life in general.
For those that don't know I am Brian Boake, a sometimes triathlete, sometimes writer, Air Force man and all the time trying to be a good guy. I am also a new member of the 2007 Javelin Triathlon Team.
For the past year I have been recovering from a very bad back injury, wherein it is almost impossible to train, let alone race. I have a compression in the L5 and L4, with spinal stenosis with a splitting of the S1 nerve root causing bilateral pains within my legs. What does that mean? It means I am in pain almost the whole day and have tried just about everything.
I have decided to 'suck-up' the pain and start triathlon training again. Albeit this training will be a lot less than what I had been doing in the past. I am going to start out with 5-6 hours a week and by end of season possibly get up to 9 hours or so a week.
I will be attempting do this all while moving across Canada from Victoria to Ottawa with the whole family in the car for the trip.
What am I thinking?
I have gained a bit of weight back from my last years racing weight of about 195lbs and am up to 210lbs.
So that is first on the list. I have to start eating right again and walk more. Injury seems to be the root of laziness.
So, last week I really started back at training with 3X 1500m open water swims, 2X 20 min runs and one 30 min run. When I tried to go out on my trusty training bike for a ride, I discovered that I somehow broke my left STI shifter. So instead of freaking out, I took it as an opportunity to switch out my 9 speed kit for 10 speed and all is ready for this week.
I will try to do updates as often as possible and hopefully help or encourage someone else to get up and go.